Antique Maps, Charts, Plans, Atlases, Globes & Reference Books
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Antique Maps, Charts, Plans & Atlases

Dear Map Enthusiast,

After a life-long career in the antique map trade, the time has now come for us to step back and pursue other interests, so Jonathan Potter Ltd has ceased trading and the website has nothing left for sale.

For the last 50 years the Company has enjoyed bringing fine and decorative old maps to clients in most countries, and during that time we have been privileged to handle unique and rare maps and atlases from the 15th to the 20th centuries. 

Personally I shall continue to remain enthusiastically interested in old maps and will continue to enjoy trade and social gatherings whenever possible.  I will also be happy to receive email enquiries regarding significant maps and collections, but my response time may be somewhat slower than in the past!

If you are a new collector or considering collecting, you might like to read our Help and Advice articles ……. and new and established collectors might consider joining one of the many map enthusiasts’ societies which have grown around the world.  The longest established is the UK-based International Map Collectors’ Society,, created in 1980.  Enjoy collecting.


Jonathan Potter   

Please note ...... important messages should now be directed to